I've just discovered that Sara has two moles, in exactly the same places as mine : eyes and thighs. :)
I've been reading on the internet regarding moles and some of them are quite scary (as in early signs of cancer and whatnot) so I decided to go with a more light-hearted reading. Did you know that moles in body parts symbolizes different things? Check out this info: (taken from this website)
Moles on Body for Females: Front of Body
1 - Life will be challenging for you and sometimes things will not be easy. If the mole is red in color, however, no challenges will be too hard for you. 2 – A mole in this location indicates that you get easily stressed out. Learn to relax and don't take life too seriously.
3 – You are a busy and popular person. Your actions are efficient and you are liked by many people. It is likely that you hold a high position with a lot of responsibilities because of your ability to make good connections.
4 – This mole warns you that you should have good eating habits. If the mole is light, however, it means that you will have or already have a partner who loves you very much.
5 – This mole indicates that you have the responsibility of taking care of your family. It also indicates that you will be good at that and will be rewarded for that later on in your life.
6 – The mole in this location indicates that you are a very ambitions person and have big goals. If you have more moles of such significance, it indicates that you are likely to become a well-known person.
7 – The mole here shows that you are a kind and generous person. You are fair with people therefore people trust you.
8 – This mole means that your life will be easy. You will not lack support and you will be safe throughout your life. It's one the luckiest moles to have.
9 – This mole indicates your capacity to achieve great wealth. If it touches your navel, it means that you will become extremely wealthy.
10 – This mole shows that you are a very passionate person and have a high sex drive.(The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
11 – Your children are likely to be obedient and will bring you a lot of happiness. You will be (or are) proud of them.
12 – This mole shows that you are going to have a good life. Everything will be relatively easy for you to accomplish but there will be some surprises along the way.
13 – You will have a beautiful husband or wife and you yourself are likely to be good-looking.
14 – You love your children and they feel safe with you. You have a close connection with your children.
15 – You should learn how to manage money because otherwise it is likely that you will lose some.
16 – You cannot keep any secrets because you love to gossip.
17 – You are a happy person and it is likely that you are or will become prosperous.
18 -You have some unstable traits and have a tendency to spend too much money.
19 – You are a positive person to whom life will be easier than for most.
20 – You treat everyone with respect and therefore everyone respects you in return.
21 – With little work you will easily succeed in life.
22 – You are a very ambitious woman therefore whenever you truly decide to set goals, it is more than likely that you will achieve them.
23 – You can be quite a heartless and cold person at times. (The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
24 – Your life is full of challenges. If the mole is read in color, it means that your love life will be successful but there will be only one problem with that – your desire to flirt will cause you to have only short relationships.
Moles on Body for Females: Back of Body
1 – Your marriage is likely to be rather challenging. 2 – You will have many responsibilities in your life and it's a good decision to remove this mole.
3 – This mole shows that you may be lacking elegance. Some people prefer to remove this mole because of this meaning.
4 – It will be quite hard for you to stay in the same job for a long time.
5 – You are intelligent, creative and it will be easy for you to become well-known and respected.
6 – You will have an unstable career. It is a good idea to remove this mole since it's quite negative.
7 – You are a reliable and trustworthy person therefore your friends find it easy to tell you even their deepest secrets.
8 – Your life will be safe and easy. This mole is one of the best moles to have.
9 – You are a very patient person but if you are annoyed too much, you can snap.
10 – You are very good with numbers therefore would be a very efficient accountant. In general, you are good with managing money.
11 – You have great interpersonal skills and therefore it's easy for you to make friends.
12 – You have many reliable friends therefore this mole is considered to be very good to have.
13 – This mole indicates that you can be quite insensitive at times. (The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
Moles on Body for Males: Front of Body
1 – You get stressed quite easily. Because of that you should try to calm down and control yourself. 2 – Your life will have some challenges but you will solve any problems that you will encounter.
3 – You should make sure that you eating habits are good. If the mole is light in color, it means that your wife loves you very much.
4 – You will have a happy life and very little worries. However you should pay attention to your health.
5 – You are a very ambitions person with great dreams.
6 – You are popular and your life has many challenges. People like you and trust you. It is likely that you will achieve great heights in your career.
7 – Your life will be easy and you will be safe no matter where you are.
8 – Your life will be easy and there will be little unexpected problems. (The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
9 – Your children are obedient and bring you much happiness. You are proud of them.
10 – Your wife is likely to be good-looking. You are likely to be good-looking too.
11 – You will enjoy great wealth and life will be easy for you.
12 – You are likely to have many children.
13 – You are likely to inherit a large amount of money.
14 – The same as mole 13.
15 – There will be some challenges in your life.
16 – You will travel many times, both for pleasure and work. The smaller the mole, the more happiness travel will bring you. If the mole is very large, it means that travel will bring more problems than happy events.
17 – You will be very successful and are likely to rise high in your career.
18 – You are likely to do a physical work and you are a hard working person.
19 – You find it hard to get recognition for the work that you do. (The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
20 – It is likely that you will have a profession that involves dealing with money. This mole also indicates that you should take great care in dealing with money, especially if it's not yours.
21 – You love spending money and it will be hard for you to save money. You should therefore practice to tithe so that the money supply would never end for you. If the mole is on the left hand, it means that you spend more than you earn. If it's on the right hand, it means that you easily attract money.
Moles on Body for Males: Back of Body
1 – This mole indicates that you will have a comfortable life and it's likely that you will become wealthy. 2 – You are likely to suffer from backache. Your life can be challenging and therefore it's better to remove this mole.
3 – You will have many responsibilities in life.
4 - Friends may backstab you and you may experience betrayal. Therefore it's better to remove this mole.
5 – Your friends are likely to backstab you.
6 – It will be hard for you to hold the same position for a long time. (The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
7 – The same as mole 6.
8 – You will generally doubt your own abilities to make sound decisions. You cannot motivate yourself enough therefore you require some push from others when you try to achieve your goals. On the more positive side, you will have a very good wife.
9 – You are likely to be successful and wealthy and you will find success in starting your own business. You will be much better off being an entrepreneur rather than working for someone else.
10 – You are intelligent, creative and wise. You are highly respected by people who know you.
11 – You are indecisive when it comes to love and marriage.
12 – You have a tendency to be messy.
13 – You may experience a broken marriage or a very unstable relationship.
14 – You will be earning a lot of money. (The location of these moles on body can be slightly different to the ones shown in the picture.)
15 – You are a charismatic and popular person and you are likely to become very successful.
16 – You are very intelligent and people find it easy to trust you.
17 – Your life will be full of challenges. It's a good idea to remove this mole.
18 – You are a hard working person and this will pay off indeed. You will become a recognized person and will enjoy many great relationships.
19 – You will live far away from your home. You are always on the move.
Disclaimer : These are just theories and assumption by the website owner and in no way reflect my opinion and judgment. :)