This entry is dedicated to mommies waiting to deliver. A traditional bengkung consist of a loooonnnnggggg cloth (approx 7 metres long and 6-7 inch wide). I got mine from the Mustika Ratu set I bought for my confinement and my mom made me the other one. (Illustration on pics below is using the one that my mom sew)
There are lots of modern bengkung style nowadays. I've tried my hands on a few and all I have to say is, BACK TO BASICS. No modern bengkung can offer the flexibility and the tight comfort as traditional bengkung. Sure, it can be daunting to wear, but once you get the hang of it, you should be able to do it with your eyes closed. :)
There are lots of modern bengkung style nowadays. I've tried my hands on a few and all I have to say is, BACK TO BASICS. No modern bengkung can offer the flexibility and the tight comfort as traditional bengkung. Sure, it can be daunting to wear, but once you get the hang of it, you should be able to do it with your eyes closed. :)
Note : I use a square cloth tied loosely to protect my bengkung from all the ointment and jamu I put on my tummy.
Firstly, take a deep breath and suck all your tummy in. While holding your breath, tie the beginning knot at the base of your uterus (if you start to wear your bengkung as early as the next day after your birth, you can actually feel the "batu meriyan" (I seriously have no idea what this is, but that's what my mom call it. I think it's the cervix?) and keep it mind, you MUST tie the first knot under this thing to help your uterus return to its normal position (menaikkan rahim yang dah jatuh). This first knot is important to hold everything in place.
Next, hold the short end straight upright (seek help from somebody OR if you are alone, try biting the end of the cloth to make sure it stays upright).
pardon the messy bed ;p
Note : My bengkung only reaches half my tummy during the first few days but slowly, I was able to reach the waistline towards the end of my confinement. I wore a corset on top of the bengkung to help keep it in place.
I don't know if I did a good job explaining the details or not but I hope the diagram helps. I wore bengkung twice a day, only opened them during bath time and although my tummy is not exactly washboard tummy, it doesn't bulge out or offer any unsightly figure.
Abdominal exercise is also necessary to help tighten the tummy area which in my case is often neglected so up till now, I still have the mummy tummy *sigh* which I proudly wear as my badge of honor. Heh.
I don't know if I did a good job explaining the details or not but I hope the diagram helps. I wore bengkung twice a day, only opened them during bath time and although my tummy is not exactly washboard tummy, it doesn't bulge out or offer any unsightly figure.
Abdominal exercise is also necessary to help tighten the tummy area which in my case is often neglected so up till now, I still have the mummy tummy *sigh* which I proudly wear as my badge of honor. Heh.